DAS3R: Dynamics-Aware Gaussian Splatting for Static Scene Reconstruction

Kai Xu1, Tze Ho Elden Tse1, Jizong Peng2, Angela Yao1

1National University of Singapore, 2dConstruct Robotics

GitHub Page ArXiv Paper Hugging Face
Davis GIF Sintel GIF


We propose a novel framework for scene decomposition and static background reconstruction from everyday videos. By integrating the trained motion masks and modeling the static scene as Gaussian splats with dynamics-aware optimization, our method achieves more accurate background reconstruction results than previous works. Our proposed method is termed DAS3R, an abbreviation for Dynamics-Aware Gaussian Splatting for Static Scene Reconstruction. Compared to existing methods, DAS3R is more robust in complex motion scenarios, capable of handling videos where dynamic objects occupy a significant portion of the scene, and does not require camera pose inputs or point cloud data from SLAM-based methods.

Main Image

Novel View Testing Results:

DAVIS: Testing Frames

(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)

DAVIS: Comparisons on PSNR

Table Image

Sintel: Testing Frames

(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)

Sintel: Comparisons on PSNR

Table Image 2

Dynamic Mask Prediction:

DAVIS: Dynamic Masks

(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)

Sintel: Dynamic Masks

(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)

IoU on DAVIS and Sintel:

Table Mask Image

Camera Pose:

Evaluation of camera pose estimation on Sintel and TUM-dynamic datasets:

Table Mask Image


            title={DAS3R: Dynamics-Aware Gaussian Splatting for Static Scene Reconstruction},
            author={Kai Xu and Tze Ho Elden Tse and Jizong Peng and Angela Yao},
            journal={arXiv preprint arxiv:2412.19584},