Kai Xu1, Tze Ho Elden Tse1, Jizong Peng2, Angela Yao1
1National University of Singapore, 2dConstruct Robotics
We propose a novel framework for scene decomposition and static background reconstruction from everyday videos. By integrating the trained motion masks and modeling the static scene as Gaussian splats with dynamics-aware optimization, our method achieves more accurate background reconstruction results than previous works. Our proposed method is termed DAS3R, an abbreviation for Dynamics-Aware Gaussian Splatting for Static Scene Reconstruction. Compared to existing methods, DAS3R is more robust in complex motion scenarios, capable of handling videos where dynamic objects occupy a significant portion of the scene, and does not require camera pose inputs or point cloud data from SLAM-based methods.
DAVIS: Testing Frames
(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)
DAVIS: Comparisons on PSNR
Sintel: Testing Frames
(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)
Sintel: Comparisons on PSNR
DAVIS: Dynamic Masks
(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)
Sintel: Dynamic Masks
(Click left or right to view all test image comparisons.)
IoU on DAVIS and Sintel:
Evaluation of camera pose estimation on Sintel and TUM-dynamic datasets:
@article{xu2024das3r, title={DAS3R: Dynamics-Aware Gaussian Splatting for Static Scene Reconstruction}, author={Kai Xu and Tze Ho Elden Tse and Jizong Peng and Angela Yao}, journal={arXiv preprint arxiv:2412.19584}, year={2024}}